Flying Local Can Save You Money

Is flying out-of-town really saving you money?

When considering your choices for your trip, be sure that you consider ALL of the costs associated with your flight. When comparing airport choices, the airfare is only one component. Our cost calculator will give you the true cost of flying from other airports and when you add it all up, you’ll discover the true value of flying in and out of the Aberdeen Regional Airport!

Starting City
Your Vehicle's MPG
Current Price of Gas per Gallon ($)
Days of Parking
To & From
{{ calculator.names[calculator.current] }} ({{calculator.current | uppercase}})
To & From
Aberdeen (ABR)
Ticket PriceTicket Price
$ $
Driving Distance to AirportDriving Distance to Airport
Estimated Total CostEstimated Total Cost
{{ | number: 2}}
{{'abr') | number: 2}}
